Sunday, October 19, 2008


Yesterday My grandparents got a load of wood (they use the furnace as little as possible to avoid a high gas bill) me and my mom went over to unload it. It was nice this time. Brad (their son) cut it all and had it stacked onto a pallet all we had to do was unload it. My grandpa is 77 and refuses to let anyone do anything for them but is grateful when you put up the fight and do it anyway.
There are times when serving others is horrible (like when they can do it them self but are just to lazy to and you have other things you need to be doing but drop everything to help them). Then there are times like above that I do not mind doing. I wouldn't mind doing it for anybody that actually needs the help, even if I shouldn't be.
By the way this lazy part has nothing to do with family. It is meant for venting about my neighbors who just had a baby on Thurs. and were out in their hot tub all night last nigh with a bunch of friends and had better not ask for meals to be brought in! If she is feeling good enough to party all night then they can cook their own food. I am not judging....I am not judging....I am not judging....I am not judging....I am not judging....

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