Monday, October 6, 2008

Are Vacations worth it?

This weekend we went to St. George. It was so COLD! It poured the whole way down you could not see 10 feet in front of you it was horrible. I have had enough rain for they year in one day. When we got to St. George it stopped raining long enough to unload the cars at the Condo, see the temple and get some dinner. This was the Condo.

The St. George Temple, look at the sky.

Nobody wanted to come out side. It was cold.

The Tuachan. Rain and more rain + wind. This is Joan my mother-in-law and my mom behind her. The play was so cold and after have time the wind started and we were already wet so we left it was way to cold to stay!!!

Do you know how long it takes 10 girls to get ready? To long. I have no patience and finally we were ready. We at breakfast at 11:30. I was up at 6:00 and was starving!

Joan was hungry too.This is a house we pasted on our way to the condo. I had to take a pic of this. I want my yard to look just like it!!!

Breakfast..... Tara ordered ham instead of something and the dude told her it would be a little more.

Here is the ham.

and $4.00 something later. I think she should of purchased a whole ham if one little slice with a huge bone is $4.00. After breakfast we went to Jacob Hamblin's home. He is in the Cowboy Hall of Fame and this is his saddle. I love the pioneers and what they did and sacrificed to get here but I am sure glad I was not one.

Check out the foundation on this house. Of course some of this house has been restored.

Joan showing me where she hit her head on the slanted wall in the bedroom. Check out the hair. (sorry Joan, I had to put this pic on because you mentioned the hair and thought you walk around all day like that)

Cotton...This I think was the best part of the whole thing. I have never seen cotton growing. I want to plant cotton.

Joan taking Pic's of the cotton. My mom on the other hand would not let me take any pic's of her.

Then we went to Brigham Young's Winter House. If you have not been to see the Beehive house in Salt lake go and see it. Below is a pic that we took by putting the camera on timer. Just as it went off the tour came out the front door. It was great. Me, my Mom and Joan.

This is his bed. Well, part of it but that is his cane.

Can you find Brigham??

We got to pick the cotton at Brigham Young's house. I would not like to pick cotton. These bushes are pokey!! Let's see if she gets it.......

Yes, Yes she did. It was fun picking the cotton it just kept coming out of the little pods.

If I made some type -o's to bad. It took me to long to post this I will not fix them. I worried about my kids the whole time. But thanks Michele for watching them. Next time you are coming and Matt is staying home with all of them. We are going to go see Footloose next year. We are saving our pennies. So start saving if any of you want to go. We are paying FULL PRICE and going before OCT!!! I would rather be hot then freezing to the point your feel that your body is over 80 because your knees won't let you move.

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