Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Bipolar...... As many of you know my Dad has Bipolar. I never knew who my Dad was until he came down with this. We hardly ever seen my Dad growing up he was ALWAYS working. When I turned twenty one is when my Dad wanted to be a part of my life. It was very difficult because I had a family of my own and had no idea how to except the words " I love you" coming from my Dad. I know that he loves all of his kids and wants the best for them. He just does not know how to communicate that. I feel bad for him and hope that he can over come his battle with bipolar.
I realize that when someone is hateful life is dark and that is not the way I want to live. I am not siding with anyone in this situation with my Dad but I do realize that without forgiveness that hatefulness is present and no matter what happens my Dad will ALWAYS be my Dad and my Mom will ALWAYS be my Mom. My Dad is stuck in a body/mind that he does not know how to control and it is horrible to watch his roller coaster life of ups and downs and see how hateful he can be. My Dad would do anything for anybody but with bipolar things are now unsure. I forgive my Dad.
If you do not know about bipolar here are some things below about what our family goes through about every two weeks.

Bipolar Disorder Symptoms
Mania and depression are the opposing phases in bipolar disorder.
This is my dad.....
Mania: A person in the manic phase may feel indestructible, full of energy, and ready for anything. Other times that person may be irritable and ready to argue with anyone who tries to get in the way.

*Less sleep and food than usual are needed.
*The person with mania can stay up all night but may find that not much was accomplished because he or she was easily distracted.
*The person in a manic phase may talk very quickly and jump from subject to subject. They often exhibit pressured speech during mania.
*Self-esteem may be inflated.
*Decisions regarding business and finances are often made hurriedly and without careful consideration; poor choices may be the result.
*These behaviors, which can be quite upsetting, usually prompt a family member to take notice and try to get the person help.
*Most people who are going through the manic phase of bipolar disorder deny that anything is wrong with them and refuse to see a medical professional.

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