Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Stake Interviews

How come EVERYTHING takes longer then planned????? I left the house at 6:45 thinking I would be the first one in and out of my interview. I talked Matt into being Late to scouts because I really did not want to dress my children up and chase them (Shayla) through the church. Well ALL the doors were locked. I went back and sat in the car and then the mini vans showed up and they stood at the doors and you no what happened? Someone opened the doors this put me like the 6th in line....I can never win :)
I also left the house in a really negative mood, never do this when you are going to talk to someone with authority! This leads me to my next thing... I really hate the question, How are you doing? I think this is a trick question! If you answer "fine" they just keep looking at you. I think the next time I am asked this question I am going to give a really long answer to see if that stare (the stare that means your lying, not telling the truth or there is something else) goes away. I want this power, I really do! I think this would get my husband to talk more. Maybe I can just do the stare and not have the power, do you think it would work the same or do you just think the answer "fine" just triggers the look and the long silence? I just need to make it through MAY! I think I can. I think I can.

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