Monday, March 23, 2009

Yeh!!! Thank You U of U

It is official. Carter goes to the U on the 31rst. They are doing a research project on Autism and they are doing ALL the tests for free!! I had to fill out this huge packet of questions since it is research they ask Everything. I am so glad a kept a baby book I had to go back and look at it several times and it is kind of funny because some of the things I wrote in there are definite signs of Asperger's and I never seen it. Here is a example....
When Carter was little (even now) he would not respond to his own name. I started calling him Suzy and he would look at me and say what. Even to this day I can do this and he will still respond. This is when he was a year and a half old. He would never eat mush or anything that had a different texture. Still to this day Carter has not tried several things.

I have not told him that he, myself and Matt are all having blood work done. This will be interesting. They will pay him for it but I am pretty sure the response will be..... You are not taking my blood you are not paying me for it because when you take it it will kill me them you will get to keep the money... Just a thought. We will see.....


Erin said...

Good for you!! Hope everything works out for you. I'm sure that this has been a really hard time for your family but I'm glad that he is able to participate in the study and he can get some help with the hard things.

M&M said...

That is great. Let me know when you go and Shayla can come over here to play.

Sunshine Designed said...

Good luck with everything. I hope all goes well. Keep us posted.