Wednesday, September 10, 2008

What a day!

This morning Carter went to the ADHD specialist. He has a form of ADHD ( he has ADHD with out the H) but the doctor also thinks he has Auditory Processing Deficit. This has to be tested by the School. They put him on a depression medicine, sleeping medicine and ADHD Medicine. Apparently Carter sleeps for so long because his mind never stops so they think that this might help. For those of you who know me know that I am already strict on bed time, now it is even earlier 7-7:30pM. Well, after hearing all this about Carter we took Shayla to the dermatologists in Alpine. The doctor pulled the top off of every one of her bumps that she had and the bleed really bad and she scram! It was horrible I bet she had over 30 on her body (tummy, back, arms, neck, arm pits and legs) The pic below is after they all stopped bleeding and yes she still has her herniated belly button. Her school shirt is soaking. The good thing is she took a nap. I do not want to repeat this day again......... Give me a couple of days to ask questions about Carter.

1 comment:

Michele said...

Okay you let me know when you want to talk about Carter. And never never ever take Shayla to that Dr. again:( Just kidding. Everything will work out okay!