Friday, August 1, 2008

Pink Eye?

Let's start from the beginning.....Shayla has a bloody nose EVERY night. I have been putting Saline up her nose at night and guess what? The bleeding stopped. Finally I do not have to wash all her blankets every day!!! Then Wow Shayla looks like this... Is it PINK EYE? Do I have to wash the sheets again? Do I have to Clorox everything? I hate pink eye (never had it but I hate it).

Well I get on the phone with the Doc and make the appointment "can you make it by 9:10" (it is 8:30 and Carter is still in bed). "I sure can" What was I thinking? I went to the freezer to get Eggos we are in a hurry. I bet you can not guess what I found in there? This....

I asked the kids. "who put the coke in the freezer?" of course the answer is not me. It had to of been Matt since he is the one that drinks coke and there was none in the fridge when he got home! Well back to the doctor. Shayla's Eye is NOT pink eye. It is.......ALLERGIES! We got rid of the hives and now we have it in the eye. I do not know about this kid!!! I was just thinking (yesterday in fact) how nice it will be to have her in pre-school this year with no hives. She can look normal and I think Michele also commented on her hives the other day.....Well they are back in what looks like pink eye. I was going to take the kids the Yucky Cheese today because they have done their chores all week but, not now. We got toys at Walgreens instead.

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