Thursday, December 10, 2009

Where is the Christmas Spirit!!

I am having a really hard time this year. I do not feel like it is Christmas. I told the kids that we are going to read one book a night in front of the tree so when it gets closer to Christmas we will know and understand the true meaning. I have been explaining to them that it is not about Santa and the gifts but about Christ and service.

I had them help me clean out the basement the other night and we bagged and boxed up A LOT of toys. I explained to them that we were going to give the toys away to children who need them more then we do. They were a little uneasy with this idea but they need to learn sometime.

When we got to D.I. and I finished unloading the truck, there she was crying in the back seat. " I am only five and do not want to give away my toys" she stated. I pulled off the the side of the road once again explaining what we were doing. I told her how proud I was of her to be such a big girl. That didn't seem to help so the next best thing CHOCOLATE made it all better!

We have been reading Genealogy lately and our relatives were happy with just a quarter or a new pair of shoe laces. I think that the time should be about family and sharing the fact that we are here and with each other not the gifts and I want, I want, I want. My kids are only allowed to ask for ONE thing at Christmas. They have both asked and only time will tell if this idea gets rejected.

1 comment:

Erin said...

I think that you are doing a wonderful job trying to instill the true meaning of Christmas with your kids. It's tough because the world today is so materialistic. Hang in there, sounds like you are doing great. :)