Wednesday, November 17, 2010

How to teach what we learn.

I have just learned that I need to help Carter learn common sense. How do you teach someone something you never had to learn your self?

The other night he was getting ready to go out to dinner with his friend. Dinner was at 6:00 and I made the mistake of telling him at 4:00 (as a bribe to get him to clean his room) he did nothing for the next hour but count down the minutes. So the second hour I caved and made him watch cartoons. Before he left I noticed he was sniffing. I told him to blow his nose so he wasn't sniffing at dinner, never thought anymore about it. Today Carter came up to me and told me I was right. I asked him what I was right about. He said that if he blew his nose he wouldn't have to sniff. I wish that I could have taught him that when he was two! All it took was to explain why and just do it.

I often say that I never signed up for this. It makes you realize how much we take for granted all that God created including ourselves.