I often ask myself this question (every morning).
I have been thinking about what I am going to do next year with two kids in school. I envey those people who's kids can get ready on their own. For this reason I would need a part time job. Carter (at this point) can not do this. I have to follow him from room to room every morning. It takes me from 7:30- 8:10 to get him out of bed. Then from 8:10-8:45 to eat breakfast then I brush his teeth (or it would take 35-40 min for him) and comb his hair. Then it is off the find the velcro shoes (what am I going to do when he out grows the velcro) the ties "BUG" him, the socks "BUG" him and half the time he comes home from school with out them on. Not to mention the non stop phone calls from the school.
I often wonder what his life will be like when he gets older. I know he will not have a hair cut. To get this child to cut his hair is dragging him into the building then removing the death grip from the waiting room chairs and not to mention the silent treatment to the hair dresser. His teeth might not ever be brushed because he cannot stand the texture of the tooth paste on his teeth. He might walk around with untied shoes and no socks. Whatever he may be I am SURE he will have a collection of many items. Only time will tell.