Monday, March 30, 2009

Our Weekend

I am sick of having fingerprints on the walls! This weekend I gave the kids rags and told them they had baseboards, doors, doorknobs, and the walls. They loved it! So did I.

We took a break and Shayla went to play with the chickens.

Carter made his famous Lemon aid. He told me that you do not smile in pic's when it is something you made. I asked, "Why" his response "because in all the inventors pic's they don't smile" I had to explain that cameras back then were not as fast and it was to long to hold a smile. He still wanted his pic like this.....

After Church Shayla helped dad make biscuits.

The finished product (I left this pic side ways just to get a rise out of Matt! He hates it when I turn the camera)

While Shayla cooked Carter found his Brian the Brain and was listing to some music he was into the electronic thing last night and replaced batteries in everything he could find!

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