Monday, March 9, 2009


This is what happens when the neighbors invite you over for a game night (fun). They had chickens told us they were not hard to raise really easy, cheap and you get eggs. Matt came home and got online and found some for cheap....talked me into it and now guess what we have?

Six yes that is right SIX. I went to buy 3 at the most. I could not buy just one of one kind so I had to buy two of each...... so six! What did I do???

Carter being brave....

Shayla looking at the feet. She will not leave them alone I am putting a lock on the basement door until they are old enough to go outside!


Brittney said...

What happens when they get big? Remember when I found a dead chicken in my pool?!?!?! You are crazy but maybe we will come see them while they are still cute :)

Amber and Trent said...

Ohhh you are brave!! They are really adorable.. right now anyways!!