Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Yard Work

Yesterday was a busy day! We took down all the plants in the back yard. Now I know why My mom use to make us do yard work as kids. It goes a lot faster but sometimes ends up messier. Here are some pic's of the kids helping. Shayla found her some gloves so she could help.

After this the neighbor returned some things they borrowed so I just told them to put them in the garage and then my car would not fit. Well I ended up cleaning out the half my car goes in and the realize that I had not even started dinner. I ran in and cut up some chicken and put some Yoshida sauce on it and finished the garage. The kids were being great this whole time not fighting nothing.

The kids LOVE this for dinner because I put the chicken on the skewers and they call it shrek food. Well when I got in from cleaning the garage I found them in Carter's room with a Whole bag of M&M's (the large bag not single pack) gone I should have known that something was up! I made them eat this dinner then straight to bed they were not happy. I think they learned a lesson because both of them already new that they do not have snacks before dinner not to mention the whole entire bag!


Harward Family said...

Hello! Thank you for your advice I needed it! Your kids are so cute and so big I can't believe it!

Michele said...

Whats wrong with having M&M's for dinner besides you told me you burnt dinner so they were just being self-sufficient. Will your tall grass thingies grow back next year or do you have to replant them?